Rural Grants Resources

Searchable Databases

Our databases of state and federal grants are viewable and searchable at Searchable Grant Databases | Hometown Strong (

Our grants team maintains this page with useful resources and links for those researching and applying for grants in rural communities. 

Grants Guides: Good Places to Begin

This is a comprehensive and searchable database of federal funding opportunities specific to rural communities in the United States, an initiative of The White House. 

NC Rural Playbook (2024)

Hometown Strong develops and maintains the NC Rural Playbook, a guide to new infrastructure opportunities made available in federal funding acts over the past three years. 

NC Grant Link

NC Grant Link is intended to help local governments, nonprofits, and schools find federal and state grant opportunities. By inputting their project information, the tool will automatically match them to grant applications best suited to their qualifications and needs. It also provides an opportunity to connect with technical assistance providers, which can include your organizations. NC Grant Link is also designed to foster collaboration, discussion, and the sharing of grant resources all within the portal. The tool is in development and expects to launch to local government partners in 2024. For questions, please contact Milken Institute representative Sarah Ortner at

Energy Funds for All

Energy Funds for All is a comprehensive resource guide that provides clear access to federal climate funds for homeowners, renters, municipalities, and more in North Carolina and South Carolina. This toolkit was built and will be updated by a collection of educational, environmental, labor, and social justice organizations. 

EDA and USDA Announce Updated Rural Economic Development Guide

 On May 3, EDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the release of an updated inter-agency planning resource guide entitled Stronger Together: Federal Funding and Planning Opportunities Designed to Promote Sustainable Economic Development in Rural America. It outlines programs and services that can be used to advance community and economic development in rural communities through planning and technical assistance, infrastructure and broadband expansion, entrepreneurship and workforce development. See the guide here.

Resources & Support for Your Work


Are you researching brownfields and whether there are other sites nearby? The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has created a brownfield community mapping tool. Visit DEQ mapping for more information.  

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure

The UNC-Chapel Hill Environmental Finance Center (UNC EFC) provides free technical support to North Carolina communities preparing to apply for state infrastructure funds. The UNC EFC can help assess financial preparedness (e.g., assessing utility fiscal health, assistance with rate-setting, assessing affordability, etc.) to make sure your community is ready to apply for and successfully manage new funds. This technical support is community-driven, designed to cater to each community's unique needs. Check out their services & resources here or reach out to if you're interested in learning more!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) program aims to assist communities with federal funding applications. Projects may include building quality water infrastructure and reliable water services in partnership with drinking water, wastewater, stormwater utilities, and local government. After reviewing each submission, EPA or a technical assistance provider will respond with potential next steps. Response times may vary depending on the volume and types of requests we receive.  Complete the form to request WaterTA service.  

Parks, Recreation and Land Conservation

RRS is the nation’s oldest technical assistance program for parks and recreation agencies in North Carolina. RRS provides technical assistance, applied research, and continuing education for the state. Services are available to government agencies, citizen boards, civic and service groups, schools, youth agencies, hospitals, senior centers, commercial, and non-profit organizations. Recreation Resources Service can assist you in establishing, improving, and or expanding recreation and leisure services in your area of North Carolina.

Services are provided through a partnership with North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management, North Carolina State University. RRS began as a function of the State of North Carolina Recreation Commission in 1943. They can support parks and recreation project development as well as training and technical assistance for funding applications. Find your regional representative here and learn more about RRS here.

Curious about state agencies and the grants they provide?

Here's a short overview of state agencies that offer grant programs. 

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, NCDA&CS: This department centers around the promotion and improvement of agriculture, agribusiness and forests; protect consumers and businesses; and conserve farmland and natural resources. They have funding opportunities for food resiliency and specialty crops programs.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, DOC: This agency is designed to promote economic, community, and workforce development through their work with local, regional, national, and international organizations. They offer grants for disaster recovery, substance abuse recovery / housing, technology, and economic development. This department also creates and maintains the county distress rankings which influence the programing goals of the state and what type of resources they provide.

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ): The DEQ provides environmental stewardship to the entire state. It administers the regulatory programs developed by state and federal governments for air and water quality and promote public health. They provide grants for the coast, water resiliency, and water and wastewater infrastructure

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DHHS: The DHHS works closely with health care professionals, community leaders and advocacy groups; local, state and federal entities; and more to manage the delivery of health- and human-related services for the state. The department provides grants for health and (rural) health services. 

DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, DIT: The DIT uses business-driven solution and technology to establish a more equitable, prosperous, healthier and educated North Carolina, with a focus on improving broadband and connectivity, cybersecurity and privacy, and digital transformation. This division offers a couples broadband centered grants and more information on federal and private funding opportunities.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, DOJ: The DOJ strives to prevent crime and support law enforcement, to safeguard consumers, and to defend the State, its people, and their constitutional rights. This department also offers environmental enhancement grants that support projects with the goal of improving North Carolina’s air, water, and land quality.

DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES, DNCR: The DNCR protects and promotes the State’s diverse arts and culture, rich history, and spectacular natural areas through its many programs. In the process of doing so, it hopes to build the social, cultural, educational and economic future of North Carolina. There are several grants offered through the department for arts, land and water conservation, libraries, parks and recreation, historic preservation, and trails. 

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DPI: This department is in charge of implementing the state's public-school laws for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade public schools at the direction of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The DPI offers educational grants that fund projects designed to improve digital education, community learning centers, school planning, and more.  

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, DPS: Comprised of law enforcement, homeland security, juvenile justice, emergency management, and North Carolina National Guard, the DPS safeguards North Carolina through preparation, prevention, and protection.  This department administers federal and state grants for criminal justice, emergency preparedness, and emergency recovery. DPS is also home to ReBUILD NC which offers grants and loans for short-term assistance with everyday operations and emergency recovery. 

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DOT: The DOT builds, maintains, and operates highways, bridges, and other modes of transportation, including ferries in North Carolina. They have divided the state into eight prosperity zones, providing each zone with its own liaison who gives the public the ability to interact with multiple state agencies and encourages collaboration between agencies. The DOT provides grants to improve transportation safety. 

DIVISION OF AMERICAN INDIAN AFFAIRS: This division supports and advocates for American Indian tribes, communities, and organizations within North Carolina. They have multiple funded programs to help workforce development, provide low-income energy assistance, Section 8 housing, and more.

NORTH CAROLINA STATE EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION FOUNDATION, NCSECU FOUNDATION: The NCSECU Foundation is a charitable organization founded by NCSECU to address community issues and promote local and community development in North Carolina primarily through high impact projects in the areas of education, housing, healthcare and human services. They provide grants for projects that align with these goals.

STATE AUDITOR: The State’s independent auditor who undertakes the audits and investigations of the State and its agencies to create suggestions for improvements to services, money handling, and program delivery. It is important that if a county is currently being audited, they will need to successfully pass the audit before the obtain a grant.